Yoda Quote #2, “There Is No Try…”

BY: Shawn Lucas

Yoda Quote #2, “There Is No Try…”

“Do or do not, there is no try” -The Empire Strikes Back

When Yoda hears Luke’s uncertain remark about trying to get his ship out of the swamp, he is quick to reprimand Luke with what has almost become a trademark phrase for him: “Do or do not, there is no try.” He knows that if Luke “tries” then he will fail because he has already doubted his abilities.

Try” has a slightly negative connotation that goes with it. Have you ever asked someone to do something and gotten the half-hearted, “okay…I’ll try.” As if that leaves you with inspired confidence in their desire to succeed. The secret is in the mindset; if you’re convinced in your ability to accomplish something, then you do it. If a small part of yourself doesn’t think you have it in you or you don’t want to, then you try it and who knows whether you’ll succeed or not, but I’d rather not leave success up to chance.

We’ve heard that saying, especially in sports, that 80% of success if mental. What does this mean? This means that while the fundamentals and technique are important, the way you think about them is even more important. Your drive, mindset, and how you handle successes and setbacks contribute to that 80% of success. Michael Jordan, who may not be identified as a trader (though his successful investment in the Charlotte Hornets boosted him up to billionaire status), has said that “some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” There’s the difference between trying and doing. Now, I would like to point out sometimes failure is a step towards success; Michael Jordan didn’t make all of his shots, Luke didn’t defeat Darth Vader the first time he faced him, and Yoda was 900 years old before we truly appreciated him for the Jedi Master he was. However, if you make up your mind to do instead of try you’ll find more fulfillment in failing and joy in your inevitable success.

Happy Trading, and May The Force Be With You!