3 Easy Ways to Find Extra Investing Cash

BY: Shawn Lucas

3 Easy Ways to Find Extra Investing Cash

You have precious little time to make income in life. If you divide life into fourths, you only have a quarter of your life – or 20 years – to really grow your lifetime earnings. Lifetime earnings are the collective income a person receives through a myriad of sources throughout the span of their life. The primary source of lifetime earnings is your job, but experts say that may not be enough. It’s becoming more and more important to use investing cash as a significant source for lifetime earnings.

According to data received by the Census Bureau, the average per capital income in 2011 is a paltry $27,915 with households earning only $52,762. Studies show that the shortfall between lifetime income and lifetime needs is over $50 billion in America and inflation and taxes are making the trend worse. With the gap between lifetime income and needs growing, having some investing cash is important since its one of the only sources of income that is able to extend a person’s lifetime earnings without extending the amount of hours they work.

But let’s face it. Investing cash is hard to find – especially in our economy. With rising taxes and increasing inflation whittling at your wages, finding those extra pennies requires much more than a pinch.  Fortunately, there are ways of finding investing cash beyond your annual income. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

Sell Some Assets to Make Investing Cash

Most homes have a tidy sum of investment money sitting in closets, out in the garage, or stuffed in a drawer. The expected ROI (return on investment) for a closet full of old clothes is much less than the cash equivalent invested in your favorite mutual fund. So have a yard sale and make a little extra investing cash!

Stop Going to McDonalds and Save Investing Cash

The size of the fast food industry in 2010 was $184 billion. Needless to say, the gap between lifetime earnings and needs could be drastically reduced with fewer trips to McDonalds. Saving $5 on fast food and convenience stores can add up to $25 a week, or up to $100 of investing cash a month.

Investing Groups Offer Free Investing Cash

Another source of investing cash is the financial industry itself. It is common practice in the industry to provide investment money to people who have a successful investing track record. The challenge is becoming successful without having the cash to prove it.  One solution might be Apiary Fund. Apiary Fund is an investor education company that gives people investing cash to manage while they learn from professional investors how to manage money. It’s kind of like on-the-job training. You must complete their training program, which requires a small tuition fee and practice in a simulated account, before they fork over the investing cash, but they pay cash for your share of the profits, so it’s a fantastic way to earn while you learn!

Look no further than a list of the world’s wealthiest people and you’ll discover that producing income from investing cash is an effective way to increase your lifetime earnings and you don’t have to be a huge wage earner to do it. Through small – yet effective – resources, you can pull together a nice sum of investing cash that you can put to work to grow your lifetime earnings.