Fear of Failure

BY: Shawn Lucas

Fear of Failure

A 2014 study conducted by Babson College revealed how fear of failure stops some people from engaging in activities where failure is a possible outcome – including the activity of learning. The study concluded that the fear of failure negatively influences a person’s motivation to learn and their attitude toward learning

This study has direct implications on the mission and purpose of Apiary Fund. At its core, Apiary Fund teaches a person how to manage an investment portfolio – an activity where risk of failure is very real. Apiary Fund accomplishes this goal through a progression of classes, simulation, and the eventual management of a small portfolio in live market conditions.

At every step, Apiary works to mitigate the elements of risk and teach a person how to properly analyze and make decisions that include risk. We strive in every possible way to give a person the greatest chance of success in learning how to manage an investment portfolio.

The irony of this study is that when fear of failure prevents a person from engaging in an activity that will make them better, it almost assures their failure in that activity. When that activity is learning how to manage our finances and investments, the cost of failure can be high! Imagine living your life and avoiding all investment decisions – it is likely to leave you broke for retirement. Imagine giving all those decisions to someone else – it leaves you vulnerable to fraud, mismanagement, and high costs.

We know that many of you join Apiary Fund for the opportunity of trading our money. It is a wonderful incentive – one I wish I had when I was first starting! However, what you really gain through your Apiary experience is a skill and an ability to make intelligent decisions that involve the risk. That is a skill and an ability that has a far greater reach and value in your life than any amount of money you could trade for Apiary Fund!

Happy Trading,
