8 Reasons to Have Confidence in the Apiary Fund

BY: Shawn Lucas

8 Reasons to Have Confidence in the Apiary Fund

When it comes to finances and investing, one of the greatest fears people face is that of fraud or scams. We understand this. As a result, in order to increase the transparency and confidence of our fund, we released the Apiary Fund Promise.

The Apiary Fund Promise

Head Trader, Shawn Lucas, talks to traders during one of our Apiary Summits

The Apiary Fund is an exciting and new way for people from all walks of life to learn how to become traders. We provide the training and education, and if associates are interested and reach a level of proficiency, they can become traders using our funds with no investment risk. We developed the promise to reassure and ensure people understand this is not a get-rich-quick program or scam, but a transparent, legitimate way to learn and begin trading.

You can read the promise on our website, but here are the key promises we make.

1. To outline every cost for training in advance.

The only required cost to become a trader for the Apiary Fund is the tuition for our Trader Development Program and an ongoing monthly training and technology fee.

Our tuition cost covers the education materials and training to learn to become a trader. It should not be considered an investment into the fund. There is no investment in the fund required or accepted. There is also no promise associates will become full traders, though training will continue as long as wanted by the associate. The monthly technology fee is not an investment into the fund. It is a monthly cost associated with accessing our trading platform and on-going training.

Apiary Fund may offer additional products or services as a complement to its core program, but they are supplementary and not necessary for funding. For a complete list of Apiary Fund products, services and prices, you can follow this link: http://www.apiaryfund.com

2. To educate and train first.

We believe the first step to becoming a successful investor is proper education and training. Since traders use the company’s money to trade, it is important to the performance of our fund that we provide top-quality investment education and training on how to use our resources, strategies and methods for successful trading. Please bear mind that takes time, dedication and a strong desire to become a successful trader. We provide the education, training, materials, system, and money to help you achieve that goal.

Apiary Fund is a trader development program that is designed to take inexperienced investors and turn them into professionals – much the same way a sports camp trains prospective athletes. We have an initial 3-month curriculum to learn our system, but training is ongoing and continues as long as you’re a part of our community.

3. To help associates become successful traders.

We believe that practice makes perfect. During the 3-month Trader Development Program, associates receive an unfunded practice account to begin making trades in simulation mode. These are not real trades, but practice trades. Associates put their learning to use by doing everything they need to do to make a trade, but without actually trading.

In order for an associate to graduate from the Trader Development Program and receive a funded trading account, they must meet four basic requirements. Associates must:

  • Have more winning trades than losing trades.
  • Have their average winning trades greater than their average losing trades.
  • Limit their loss on any trade to less than 2 percent of the account.
  • Be current on their monthly training and technology fee.

We promise that we will provide funded trading accounts for 100 percent of the traders who meet these requirements. Furthermore, we promise that we will continue to work with an associate as long as it takes until they are funded.

4. To never require associates to pay money for trading.

Once an associate reaches a level of successful trading we will open an account with Apiary’s money for them to begin trading live. There is never any investment money required to trade Apiary’s account. Apiary Fund Traders use Apiary’s money to place trades and receive a share of the profit made in that account. Apiary assumes all risk. There is no investment risk to the associate. Associates who have unsuccessful trades assume no risk and pay no money to compensate for their losses.

The account does have a high watermark, which means the associate must recoup any losses in their account before receiving a payout – a common industry trading practice. If associates begin to have a series or string of unsuccessful trades, they may be asked to halt trading for a period ranging from 24-hours to one week.

5. To ensure Apiary Fund is not a scam or investment scheme.

The Apiary Fund was created through the private funds of its principals. We do not disclose the full amount of the fund, but it is a significant and legitimate fund used by many traders all around the world. Associates pay only for education and training. There is no personal investment risk to any associate who trades Apiary’s fund. The Apiary Fund is a private fund and does not solicit or accept any outside investment.

6. To never pretend to be a ‘get rich quick’ program.

Many of our traders do very well trading in the Apiary Fund and enjoy the associated rewards and profits. However, we do not teach or suggest that anyone will get rich quick using our program. Successful trading is not learned overnight, but cultivated over time. Even our most veteran traders will tell you that they are still learning, refining their skills and adapting to the changes in the market. Apiary defines success as the ability to generate consistency in performance, to limit losses to reasonable levels and to manage the emotions of losing – and winning.

7. To make it clear what our refund policy is.

Because of the proprietary nature of our training material, systems and processes, once an associate has purchased and accessed the information on our website, we are not able to provide a refund. We can guarantee, however, that we will continue to work with someone until they are funded and offer lifetime access to all of our training material. What this means is that the only way someone will fail with the Apiary Fund is if they give up on themselves.

8. To be realistic.

With or without training or education, the fact remains that not everyone will be successful at the same time. Based on our own experience, here are the probabilities that an associate will receive a funded account with the Apiary Fund.

  • When a trader signs up, they have a 31.3 percent chance of being funded.
  • If they are in the program for 3-months they have a 42.7 percent chance of being funded.
  • If they are in the program for 6-months they have a 58.4 percent chance of being funded.
  • If they are in the program for 9-months they have a 62.4 percent chance of being funded.

We have confidence in the Apiary Fund and it’s ability to teach traders how to be successful. We invite everyone to read our Promise and look into our program to see if participating in the Apiary Fund community is right for them.

Learn more here